Collins Elisabeth - Newborn Session
What a treat to swaddle and snuggle such a beautiful baby girl. At seven days old, Collins Elisabeth was a dream to photograph!
One of my favorite parts of my job is having the opportunity to spend time with new parents and hear their stories. Meeting Cherish and Ted was no exception. Cherish shared with me how she and Ted were high school sweethearts. They have literally grown up together and now, after 11 years of marriage, they welcome their precious baby girl. I can't wait to see which traits little Collins inherits from her parents. Will she be laid back and social like her dad? Or perhaps more reserved and calculated like her sweet mama?
I loved including the family's golden retriever, Rhyland, in our photo session. The formerly spoiled-rotten-only-child is having to share some attention with baby sister. But she seemed quite pleased with me taking her picture and even posed for me!
Isn't Collins' nursery stunning? Cherish's exquisite taste and eye for antiques/estate sales is surely evident in this gorgeous room. The antique style iron crib is perfectly complemented by the ceiling, painted an oh-so-soft blush. The calming white walls are perfectly balanced with pops of pink, green, and playfully patterned textiles. I especially appreciated the attention to small, sentimental details, like the glass and gold box which holds Collins' hospital bracelets and hat.
Cherish, Ted, and Collins - I'm just thrilled for you all to begin your journey as a little family. Congratulations!