Evan Neary - Newborn Session

Kendra and Brian welcomed me so warmly into their home a few weeks ago to document their brand new family of three. Baby Evan could not have been any sweeter - from his active little feet (watch out Kendra and Brian - you might have a little athlete on your hands) to the way he held his paci in his mouth (surely signs of a true prodigy). 

Kendra's parents were in town for little Evan's arrival. It's always such a treat to be able to document several generations in a family. You could just see the pride in their faces as they watched their daughter and son-in-law blossom into parents. Little Evan will surely be blessed by his strong family roots. 

When Kendra first contacted me about their session, she shared with me how she and Brian had developed silly, pet names for each other when they were dating. Kendra calls Brian "Moose". To my delight, they designed Evan's nursery around the same theme. I can't think of a cuter or more personal baby room! And of course now Evan is now endearingly called "Lil Moosey". 

Kendra wrote me the most heartfelt thank you after our session - she shared candidly that Evan's birth and the subsequent days had been very stressful, but that our photography session made her focus on enjoying and celebrating the new little life that she and Brian had brought into this world. I can't ask for a better response! I want my clients to feel exactly that during our time together. I strive for newborn sessions to be relaxed and peaceful - a time set aside to just sit in awe of new life. My hope is that the Neary family will be able to cherish these images for decades to come. 

Blessings to the Neary Family!