Grant Nurkin - Newborn Session

Happy New Year! Boy, do I have lots to share with you all. I took a few weeks off to spend with family over the holidays - some rest and relaxation were just what the doctor ordered. I am feeling so refreshed and invigorated. Bring it, 2016! 

First up, I'm excited to share a very special newborn session that I photographed back in December.

Meet Baby Grant. The most handsome little fella. I couldn't get over how expressive his hands were. Do you see him making the peace sign below with his little fingers? I also loved utilizing Grant's beautiful antique cradle, a family heirloom. 

The Nurkin household was bustling when I arrived. You could feel the anticipation of Christmas. Grandparents were in town to lend a hand. Grant's older brothers (Jackson - 5) and Carter (2 1/2) filled the house with fun, energy and of course pillow fights. I can just imagine the fun that will be had between these three brothers as Grant grows to join in the running and wrestling. 

How special to spend the Christmas season together as a new family of five! Congratulations Megan and Tate - what a beautiful family you have!